Famous technology brand sues SEO Copywriters for $1 Million

Freelance SEO Copywriters Ranked #1 on Google: We regret it now

Famous technology brand sues SEO Copywriters for almost $1,000,000: We’ve just pushed them down the Google rankings.

Our SEO Copywriters did an amazing job. We defeated the Chinese brand by applying White Hat SEO we learned on Hubspot Academy: They sued us for over 1 million USD.

Publikanguro Tecno Marketing


This is not an article with a Clickbait appeal. It is a TRUE story. Although it reads like an outrageous headline, it is nothing more than the plain truth.

The following goals are pursued by publicly sharing this experience with you, only some of which will be interesting to you based on your current situation.

Los 7 mejores objetivos por cumplir al compartir esta historia

7 objectives I want to achieve after you’ve finished reading my narrative.

1. Get a targeted audience to engage with our outstanding international copywriter team.

2. If you’re a head or director of marketing, We’ll persuade you to invest somewhat less in ADS and significantly more in content marketing initiatives based on contemporary SEO.

3. If you are a business owner, We’ll demonstrate to you how content marketing campaigns may help your company expand locally, nationally, or even internationally.

4. If you are an SEO copywriter, you’ll be able to support all of your claims and underline to your clients the significance of content marketing, which is greater than the importance of paid advertising campaigns.

5. If you are an SEO copywriter and you still have doubts about the value of your work for businesses, this narrative will give you greater self-assurance and inspire you to keep studying SEO and inbound marketing.

6. If you are a director of a large technology company, Do not file a lawsuit against those that outwitted your digital marketing team. Collaboration is more important than playing below the belt.

7. If you are a Dropshipping entrepreneur,We are trying to enlighten you so that you immediately stop engaging in any endeavor based on the dropshipping business model.

The email that served as the prologue to the in-depth narrative about Oscar and his dropshipping business

I received an email from the person who would become my customer and virtual boss at the start of 2020.

We’ll just call him “Oscar” as I am unable to disclose his real name. However, you can relax knowing that the facts will be revealed without exaggeration.

Before Publikanguro.com [2014 – 2019]

Long before we met, at the beginning of 2014, Oscar made the decision to establish his own telecoms company, which he was able to launch and saw good results with.

Oscar intended to expand his business by opening an online store after his first significant victory.

Even though it didn’t seem like a good idea to start an online store or e-commerce at a time when Mercado Libre and Amazon already ruled the online sales sector, Oscar persisted with the project.

There are many information gaps that I am unable to fill, but I can infer that prior to my presence, Oscar must have recruited a number of digital marketing specialists or perhaps marketing agencies.

The new online store’s advertising efforts undoubtedly did not get the expected outcome. In order to try Freelancers, he abandoned agencies.

Dropshipping: Quit now or you’ll regret it bitterly

We already know very well that the Dropshipping business model has gained a lot of popularity since YouTubers bombarded the Streaming platform with their exciting videos.

Headings (Meta Titles) used by YouTubers are too wonderful for us to ignore them. (Everything that shines isn’t gold)

They have grabbed our interest with unbelievable claims like the one that the dropshipping industry is the best method to generate money online without having to keep stock on hand

However, the reality is that making money online is NOT EASY, therefore building your online business with the intention of dropshipping is not a good idea.

Avoid wasting your money on dropshipping

I want to discourage you if you were considering investing your savings in opening an internet store for dropshipping since the chances of success is exceedingly little.

Please stick with us through the rest of this story; I have very strong arguments to support my stance on “Anti-Dropshipping.”

The reasons I don’t recommend dropshipping may not be fully understood if you skip too many pages or paragraphs.

I recently had a conversation with an experienced internet marketer, who gave me some straightforward common sense advice.

“Avoid attempting to sell anything that is already on sale at those well-known internet sites”. (Amazon, Ebay, Mercado Libre).

One of the worst ways to launch a business is specifically the dropshipping business model. It’s not simple to sell online, so don’t let YouTubers fool you.

No gastes en Google Ads para vender productos en el modelo Dropshipping

Avoid promoting products paying Google Ads if your business model is dropshipping.

Pay close attention because I’m attempting to warn you not to invest money in advertising (No Facebook Ads & No Google Ads).

You still don’t have an  any idea what I’m doing, do you? I’m attempting to help you. Forget dropshipping; instead, market your skills or offer your goods and services.

When you spend on advertising it means you are promoting the recognition of a brand that is not yours. You will bring a lot of visitors to your online store but most of them will abandon the shopping cart. My calculate prediction is a bounce rate higher than 90%.

Your store won’t get any customers because your bounce rate will be over 90%.

Thousands of people will undoubtedly visit your online store as a result of your advertising on Facebook or Google, but the majority of them won’t make any purchases.

Think about the Buyer’s Journey from start to finish:

  1. Your potential customers search for a product on Google. 
  2. After that, they click on your text AD anticipating to be taken to Amazon or Ebay.
  3. Your visitors land on a different unpopular online store. 
  4. Your visitors browse your website pages.
  5. Maybe they add a product to the shopping cart.
  6. Finally they abandon and go back to google search.

To the public, you are merely a “Reseller” attempting to sell something that is not yours.

You operate a subpar dropshipping company rather than being an approved reseller.


Should you invest money in content marketing and SEO for your dropshipping business?

Paying for an inbound marketing agency’s services will be very expensive. The same holds true if you hire independent freelancers with SEO expertise.

Yes, it’s possible that your URLs may rank highly in search engines thanks to your efforts, but organic traffic won’t necessarily acknowledge the legitimacy of your business.

What was I attempting to say in the previous passage? I’ll do my best to explain how our SEO Copywriters did it.

Indeed, we were able to provide Oscar’s Blogs with some prominent Google search engine places. But the significant issue continues throughout time. Nobody is aware of the brand, and nobody wants to purchase anything odd-looking. (Unknown Brand).

Neil Patel declara: La marca es el factor SEO #1 para posicionamiento natural.

Neil Patel states: Brand is the #1 SEO element for Google’s organic ranks.

Have you read any of Neil Patel, a well-known SEO, articles or seen any of his tutorials? If you haven’t already, stop reading right now and visit Neil Patel’s blog or YouTube channel

I guarantee you will learn more by studying with Neil than from the Udemy courses.

Neil asserts that Google takes into account more than 200 SEO factors when determining your site’s rating. It is a huge group of SEO factors, but the most important is reduced to just a dozen, and the most prominent of all is THE BRAND.

The brand is the most important SEO parameter, and if your brand hasn’t established itself as an authority in your industry, all of your business endeavors would have been in vain.

Quality is the main ingredient that is the need of the customer

Here’s why dominant brands don’t require inbound marketing

As the foundation for the entire structure of your marketing initiatives, the positioning of your brand in society must be determined as your first objective.

The greatest way to grow your brand, in my opinion, is definitely through optimized content marketing (SEO), but I believe that using money to promote your brand is the most successful and effective strategy.

Yes, paying celebrities and macro influencers thousands of dollars is noticeably more effective.

Content marketing is not critical for NIKE to draw in customers

Because establishing a brand practically instantaneously requires very important people, i.e., celebrities, Nike does not invest in inbound marketing despite having almost unlimited financial resources.

Elon Musk is a well-known figure in the global economy

Elon Musk is so influential that he has been able to greatly affect the financial condition of rival brands just by making a Twitter comment.

The best inbound marketing on the planet is less successful than paying superstars

It is preferable to hire a famous basketball player or a well-known musician to wear clothing bearing your brand and permit advertisements to be shown on open TV or on social media.

I apologize if I irritated you, but I can’t keep the truth from you. We don’t live in a Hollywood film where a little businessman pulls off the seemingly unthinkable.

Dropshipping: Aborta ya ese emprendimiento o vas a lamentarlo duramente

The results of Oscar’s campaigns in Google Ads and Facebook Ads

Oscar has a small amount of money that he may use to pay freelance writers and spend some on online advertising. When he asked me to join his startup in the early 2020s, he had already done that.

I kept an eye on the effectiveness of the Google Ads ads during the initial months. The average cost per click for search advertisements was low, and they even outperformed other advertisers.

The figures demonstrate that the campaign’s text ads were of a greater quality than those of other marketers since its structure and keyword selection were so well thought out. Despite getting more clicks our bounce rate was shameful.

Return on investment(ROI) was only in imagination not in reality.

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Implementation of Google Display, Remarketing, YouTube, and Smart Shopping campaigns

We thought deploying mixed advertising would allow us to increase our ROI (Return of Investment). So we started these campaigns:

  • YouTube Ads.
  • Google Display.
  • Remarketing.
  • Smart Shopping Campaigns.

We consistently attracted large volumes of traffic to the online store, but the bounce and cart abandonment rates never decreased.

I can assert with confidence that although the campaigns were carefully set up to provide the best possible user experience on product pages, they were useless. Unfortunately, everything was a complete failure.

People  visited the store but ended up buying from Amazon

We were only occasionally able to speak with visitors who had already registered or created their accounts and were on the verge of making a purchase.

People saying that our blog posts had been really helpful to them was one of the most interesting responses I can recall. But ultimately, they made their purchase on Amazon.

Why did potential clients grow on our blogs but ultimately choose to purchase from Amazon?

The same users were unable to respond to that question, but we can infer that it is entirely attributable to the brand in question: AMAZON.

I sincerely hope you find the knowledge I give you to be valuable. More than two years of work, education, and other things are being donated.

A significant shift in Oscar’s digital marketing approach: We stop paying ADS

I Explained to Oscar that it was not advisable to continue wasting his budget on CPC ads or Facebook Ads.

From my point of view, we only had one path left to take and that is Content Marketing.

Companies like:

  • Mercado Libre.
  • Ebay.
  • Shine.
  • Amazon.
  • Cyberpuerta.

They don’t need a blog, so they don’t have one. There is no reason to spend in inbound marketing as their brands are recognized as undeniable leaders in the internet sales industry.

Oscar accepted my suggestion to give up on ads and start investing in blogs because it was the only option available to him.

Affiliate marketing and content marketing (SEO) approach

On a global scale, supporters of this business model view affiliate marketing as a particularly effective technique to produce commission income.

The term “affiliate marketing” refers to content marketing that has the primary goal of sending customers to Amazon, a well-known online retailer.

We used the same approach, but with a significant change—instead of sending customers to Amazon, we would direct them to Oscar’s store.

5 Satellite Blogs: Product Reviews and Premium Branding

We had committed to writing product reviews based on Google’s top suggestions. Each thing should have the qualities listed below:

  • E.A.T. [Expertise-Authoritative-Trustworthy]
  • Article length: Between 1,800 and 3,000 words.
  • SEO by Yoast: Meta Title, Meta Description & Keywords
  • Schema: Structured Data
  • WordPress Headings H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6

To enable the addition of sufficient advertising banners to support the Oscar brand, each piece was sorted and separated. Additionally, we use CTAs [Calls to Action] in Autoplay for brief videos.

Recruitment of independent SEO Copywriters / freelancers

Oscar needed to find a way to increase the pace at which articles for product reviews were produced.

Writing, editing, and publishing the articles for the blogs was initially my responsibility. To position 5 technological blogs in this level, however, will take a decade.

Oscar suggested I try purchasing SEO-written articles from the Spanish online marketplace Publisuites.

Abandonamos Publisuites para comenzar a buscar nuestros propios reactores SEO independientes…

900-word articles cost 19 euros each at Publisuites.

In one week, I placed 3 orders with 3 different freelancers. Each piece, which had a maximum word count of 900, cost 19 euros. 

From my perspective, the service was pricey, and we had serious concerns regarding the quality of the work. The orders arrived to me as downloaded files in Microsoft Word format one week later.

I wasn’t happy with the Publisuites items we had bought. I quickly realized that this kind of platform, like Fiverr or Upwork, lacks quality checks.

These freelance service portals allow us to:

  • Create an account.
  • Interact with writers within your platform.
  • Make online payments with our card or Paypal.

The absence of a set of people in charge of service quality control is the issue.

I discovered significant errors and misleading information in the articles we paid for, as well as a lack of current SEO best practices.

The positioning in the Google search engine is our key goal, thus posting these content on blogs does more harm than good.

We left Publisuites and started looking for independent SEO copywriters on our own


At the time, I was the only SEO copywriter in charge of creating the content strategy and hiring additional independent freelancers.

Particular Facebook groups were the best way to get in touch with editors. Thousands of people who provide or seek work can be found in these groups on this social network.

Freelancers are “auctioned” off through Facebook groups

I observed frantic rivalry for customers in the Facebook groups. Because the agencies or businesses abused this situation, it had a negative impact on all copywriters.

Now that supply has wildly outpaced demand, agencies announce job openings and wait for independent freelancers to submit their best offers at the lowest prices, practically destroying the market for copywriters.

In a manner akin to an auction, the winner is the one who offers more services to agencies for less money. The editors are therefore under pressure to create content of the greatest caliber for a very low wage.

I encourage you to read actual testimonies from international SEO copywriters who have suffered greatly as a result of the Facebook talent auction.

An honorable mention goes to the skilled SEO copywriters

In 2020, I had the good fortune to come across individuals with extraordinary talent for producing optimal content (SEO).

I was pleased to hire skilled independent SEO copywriters from nations such as:

  • Venezuela
  • Colombia
  • México
  • Perú
  • Chili
  • Spain
  • Argentina
  • Uruguay

Our virtual meetings were mostly held on Saturday mornings or Friday afternoons.

We had a very high attendance rate almost every time and our preferred technology to establish communication was Google Meet and emails.

To improve online work processes, we rely on other very useful tools such as Google Docs from Workspace and TRELLO.

In the following link, you can check the profiles of the best SEO content writers who have worked with us.

Publikanguro.com Team

A major technological brand was defeated by SEO copywriters: They brought a legal claim

We accomplished something unprecedented, or a tremendous feat if you choose to refer to it that way, and I want to use this opportunity to recognize our fantastic team of [multinational] SEO copywriters.

Spending thousands of dollars on content marketing and SEO to compete with the market leaders in online technology sales is a mistake; if I had realized the chance of failure, even I wouldn’t have done it.

Oscar possesses skills and other traits that are unusual for people like us. He is a man of unwavering resolve who never gives up on his goals. I’m not sure how he was able to consistently push through the pressure and fear of failing.

La empresa cuyos directivos se sintieron gravemente amenazados

The corporation whose executives felt gravely threatened

The technology company’s reputation was on the verge of collapse, and things only got worse when it turned out that Oscar’s entrepreneurial spirit could take advantage of its biggest flaw.

I used the fantastic Google Search Console tool to identify the IT company’s weakness.

“The camera does not work!”

At first, I didn’t fully understand what was the value behind such a frequent query on Google: “The brand does not work”. I don’t want to reveal exactly what that company is, obviously you already understand that that’s what led to us being sued.

Just a phrase composed of 4 words gradually became a very negative trend for the technology brand of video surveillance equipment.

This trend did not decrease, but it was increasing to the point that we could consider it a great organic traffic magnet.

We want to seize that traffic because it would be very easy to get it by applying SEO knowledge.

The optimization of that company’s official page presented a hurdle. Although their domain authority is too high for us, we believe that SEO and user experience may help us defeat them.

Since we’re talking about a journey that took more than two years to complete with the editors’ help, not everything that happened was immediate. 

Of course, we acknowledge that Oscar never gave up on progressing.

But why would a lawsuit like that proceed legally?

No es difamación: Solo destacamos los errores que hicieron aún más famosa a la marca

It is not defamation: We merely draw attention to the errors that increased the brand’s notoriety

From my perspective and in my honest judgment, we did nothing improper in relation to the manufacturer of security camera equipment.

We write really well-structured articles using the fundamentals of contemporary SEO in order to highlight everything that hundreds of individuals have claimed online.

In forums, social networks, and blogs, user testimonials from users in the United States and Mexico are common.

It was our responsibility to gather the data and carefully arrange it into 3 articles of the highest possible SEO grade.

From my perspective and in my honest judgment, we did nothing improper in relation to the manufacturer of security camera equipment.

High domain authority is defeated by a new domain with no backlinks

Our satellite Blogs’ strong CTR and excellent user experience allowed us to surpass the “original” brand’s age and domain authority.

Our broad match keywords come in right below the domain URL of the competitor brand. That’s true, despite having less than two years since registration, having no backlinks, and having a very low domain authority, our young domain managed to do what looked impossible.

Although Neil Patel adores backlinking tactics, I have discovered that they are not required.

Never forget the phrase “Content is King.” Additionally, Google now places a far higher value on the user experience than it did in the past.

La gran marca de tecnología de origen chino ejecuta un ataque cibernético en contra de los Blogs de Óscar.

The renowned technological company with Chinese roots attacks Oscar’s Blogs

Early in June 2022, a Chinese-based corporation that specializes in video surveillance technologies initiated a vicious assault against Oscar Blogs.

Oscar is a telecommunications engineer, which let him successfully fend off the attack in less than 24 hours.

For each blog to remain stable, more Cloudflare protection had to be put in place, along with some quick changes. To put it another way, we came out on top.

IT corporation sued SEO copywriters for more than USD $1,200,000.


I’m angry because our nearly two years’ worth of work has been lost in digital limbo. ceased to exist.

However, I am quite proud of my team since we were able to do something that looked unachievable for an emerging e-commerce business.

The prestigious technological business accuses us of being to blame for Latin America’s negative perception of its brand.

However, I argue that the same business has damaged its reputation by producing video surveillance systems with serious technical problems.

None of the complaints from customers are our creation. We have only gathered reviews that have been posted on various blogs, forums, and social media platforms.

It was our job to make this problem far more engaging for the reader. But given that we are SEO writers, what did they expect from us?

The impact of money and our blog’s collapse

Oscar could not rest again because of the $1,200,000 nightmare lawsuit, which was filed against the owner or creator of every blog, not a group of authors.

Because of this, the individual for whom we have been employed for more than two years is solely responsible. His dread of being judged and not coming out on top in the trial makes sense to me.

Scar made the decision to delete all of the plaintiff brand-related blogs and audiovisual resources.

Everything vanished in a single night, leaving no trace behind. The blog disappeared along with our effective SEO efforts.

In this article, I have presented a lot of information, but I do not have a lot of evidence to support it. I do, however, have supporting documentation that I store carefully in my files.


In just 30 minutes, I’m bringing you two years’ worth of research and experimentation. You might have time to scrap the project if you’re preparing to launch a dropshipping enterprise.

If not, and you have already made the financial commitment to launch your online store, take all I have to say into account.

Be mindful of your family’s finances and avoid wasting time and money on things that are not worthwhile. The biggest business-like deception is dropshipping.

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Famous technology brand sues SEO Copywriters for $1 Million
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Famous technology brand sues SEO Copywriters for $1 Million
Our SEO Copywriters defeated the Chinese brand by applying White Hat SEO we learned on Hubspot Academy: They sued us for over 1 million USD.
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Publikanguro Tecno-Marketing
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